Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial diseases

Venereal Diseases (V.D.)/Sexually Transmitted Diseases (S.T.D.)

1. Gonorrhoea. It is a venereal bacterial disease (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) which is spread through sexual contact, common toilets and under clothes. Some 150 million persons suffer from the disease worldwide. Incubation period is 2-5 days. The bacterium lives in genital tubes, produces pus-containing discharge, pain around genitalia and burning sensation during urination. It may lead to arthritis and eye infection (gonococcal ophthalmia) in children of gonorrhoea afflicted mothers. Disease can be cured through use of appropriate antibiotics e.g., Penicillin, Ampicillin.

2. Syphilis. It is highly infectious venereal bacterial disease (spirochaete Treponema pallidum) with incubation period of 3-5 weeks. Some 50 million persons suffer from the disease worldwide, Transmission is through sexual contact and from mother to children. In the first stage there is indurated infectious and painless ulcer or chancre on the genitals and swelling of local lymph glands, In the second stage, chancre is healed and there are skin lesions, rashes, hair loss, swollen joints and flu-like illness occasionally. In the tertiary stage chronic ulcers (gummata) appear on palate, nose and lower leg. There can be paralysis, brain damage, blindness, heart trouble and aortic impairment. The disease is curable through appropriate antibiotics, e.g., Pencillin, Tetracycline.

   A number of other sexually transmitted diseases are known. They include

   (a) Genital Herpes. Caused by Herpes simplex virus 2.
   (b) Genital Warts (Condyloma Acuminatum). Caused by Human Papilloma Virus.
   (c) Chlamydia. Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis.
   (d) Chancroid. By Gram (-) bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi.
   (e)Trichomoniasis. By flagellate protozoan called Trichomonas vaginalis.
Viral Diarrhoea or Gastroenterltis

1. Rotaviruses. They cause gastroenteritis with acute watery diarrhoea in infants and children.
Vomiting and fever also occur. Vaccine and drugs are unavailable. Mother's milk gives some protection through a glycoprotein (lactadherin) that binds to rotavirus (Newberg, 1997). Deaths occur due to dehydration.

2. Norwalk Viruses. The viruses cause gastroenteritis in all age groups, accounting for one third of all cases. Infection occurs through faecal contamination of food. It results in diarrhoea, nausea,vomiting and abdominal pain.
Bacterial Diarrhoea

1. Salmonellosis. It is caused by salmonella enteridis and S. typhimurium. The bacterium often contaminates meat and other proteinaceous food articles. The pathogen causes diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, headache and paratyphoid fever. Antibiotics are helpful in curing. Oral or intravenous rehydration is required. Salmonellosis is more common in summer and early fall. Source is faecal contamination.

2. Shigellosis. It is due to bacterium Shigella shigae, S. flexneri and other species. The disease spreads through contaminated food. Shigellosis is characterised by frequent passage of stool with mucus, blood and abdominal cramps. Effective antibiotics are available. Oral or intravenous rehydration is required.
3. Campylobacter Gastroenteritis. It is caused by Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni. Transmission occurs through food and faeces. The gastroenteritis is characterised by abdominal pain, diarrhoea for 2-4 days and fever. Erythromycin is effective. Rehydration is required.

It is an acute infectious disease produced by Gram (+) rod-shaped bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae. Diphtheria has three forms-gravis, intermedius and mitis. Infection occurs mostly in children of 2-5. Years. It spreads through droplet method by kissing, coughing, sneezing and contaminated articles. Incubation period is 1/2-5 days. Portal of entry is upper respiratory tract though implantation may occur anywhere. Exotoxin produced by pathogen causes epithelial necrosis of nose (nasal diphtheria), throat tonsils (pharyngeal diphtheria) and laryngotrachea (layngotracheal diphtheria). In the beginning there is mild fever, sore throat, mild headache and lassitude. Later on semisolid material oozes out of infected region where a grey false tough membrane may develop choking air passage. An offensive odour is produced. Toxaemia may reach heart, nervous system and kidneys resulting in their defunctioning. Antitoxin given within 12 hrs may give relief. Antibiotics (e.g., penicillin, erythromycin) may also provide some relief. Membrane has to be removed surgically. Schick test can indicate susceptibility. Triple vaccine, DPT, is useful.


It is oral rehydration solution used for correcting dehydration caused by diarrhoea in all age
groups. One litre of ORS contains 1.5 gm glucose, 3·5 gm NaCl, 2·9 gm KCI and 2·9 gm trisodium

It is a highly communicable bacterial disease caused by vibrio cholerae (= V. commae) which is
transmitted through contaminated food, water, drinks (formite transmission) and direct as vomits and stool of patient contain innumerable pathogens. Houseflies spread the pathogens. Floods, fairs, ware, and other calamities often lead to epidemic outbreak. Incubation period is a few hours to five days. There is acute diarrhoea with rice water stool (upto 40 per day), vomiting, muscular cramps, anuria and rapid dehydration. Oral rehydration (oral intake of sweetened and salted rice water or electrolyte
solution), intravenous rehydration and antibiotics (e.g., chloramphenicol, tetracycline) can treat the disease. Vaccination gives immunity for a few months. It is useful during fairs. Chlorination (by chlorogen or tropical chloride of lime/TCL) or ozone treatment of water, boiled water, disinfected food and antifly measures are essential for prevention. If untreated, the disease leads to collapse marked by sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, bluish colour, subnormal temperature, washerman's hands and feet, shallow quick breathing which may lead to death or slow recovery.

Pneumonia is an inflammatatory disease of lungs with an incubation period of 1-3 days and characterised by accumulation of mucus/fluid in alveoli and bronchioles so that breathing becomes difficult. It occurs in all age groups and is major cause of death in young, old and chronically ill patients. Pneumonia is of several types. Common pneumonia is caused by Gram positive nonmotile paired bacterium called Streptococcus or Diplococcus pneumoniae and flu bacterium Haemophilus influenzae. The dieease is of two types-bronchopneumonia (young children, elderly persons) and lobar pneumonia (10-50 years). The disease is transmitted through droplets (sputum), aerosol of infected person, sharing utensils and other articles used by the patient. There is sudden chill, chest pain, cough with rusty mucoid sputum, rise in temperature and rapid shallow breathing. Abdominal distension and headache are also common. Useful drugs are erythromycin, tetracycline and sulphonamide. If untreated pneumonia leads to death.
Another acute infectious pulmonary disease is primary atypical pneumonia. It is caused by several types of pathogens like Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Chlamydia, Rickettsia, Parainfluenza virus, etc.
Plague/Bubonic Plague

Plague is due to rod shaped non-motile bacterium called Pasteurella/Yersinea pestis. It is primarily a disease of rats which is spread by rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis). The disease kills the rats. Rat fleas leave the dead rats and attack humans. Death of rats is an indication of outbreak of plague. Plague is of three types. (I) Bubonic Plague. Incubation period is 2-6 days. Pathogen multiplies in lymph nodes, especially of armpit and groin which swell up into painful buboes. Other symptoms are high fever, chill, delirium, exhaustion and haemorrhages which turn black. The patient dies thereafter. Hence, plague is also called black death. It used to cause large scale deaths. For example, plague of 1348 killed over 60% of the europeans. Plague reached India for the first time in 1895 from Hong Kong. (II) Septicemic plague. Buboes do not occur. It is characterised by sepsis, severe headache, rapid pulse, fever, chill, nausea, vomiting and delirium leading to death within two days. (iii) Pneumatic/Pneumonic plague. It spreads from human to human (without rat flea) through droplets and fomites (soiled articles). It infects lungs causing pulmonary oedema, fever, anoxia, delirium and death within 24 hours. Streptomycin injection/oral tetracycline is effective drug. Plague occurred recently in Mamla village in Beed (Maharashtra) in 1993, from where it spread to Surat in Gujarat in pneumatic form. Anti-plague vaccine, spray of insecticides, killing of rats, nose caps and high cots (rat flea can jump upto 45 cm) are some preventive measures.
Peptic Ulcers

They are eroded areas in the lining of stomach and duodenum believed to be caused by excessive secretion of acid in gastric juice. Worry, stress, smoking, drinking and aspirin tend to increase the incidence. However, non-acid producing regions also develop gastritis and ulcers. It is now believed that ulcers are due to attack of Helicobacter pylori. It is passed on through food and faeces. Amoxicillin and bismuth subsalicylate are effective with chances of recurrence being common.
Pertussis/Whooping Cough

It is an infectious Gram negative nonmotile coccus bacterial disease (Bacillus = Bordetella = Haemophilus pertussis) of children which is characterised by attack of irritating cough accompanied by inspiratory whoop/gasp. The disease spreads through direct contact and droplet method. Incubation period is 10-15 days. There is inflammation of respiratory passage, cold, cough and mild fever in beginning, leading to accumulation of mucus and inspiratory whoop. Other symptoms are vomiting, cyanosis and haemorrhage of nose, eyes, brain, etc. Ieading to death. Convulsions and pneumonia may occur. Antibiotics eryhromycin, chloramphenicol, ampicillin and streptomycin are effective. Vaccination is available in form of DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) for thrice inoculation to infants at monthly intervals.
Leprosy (Hansen's Disease ; Hansen, 1873)

Leprosy is contagious chronic bacterial disease (Mcobacterium leprae) of warmer climates as in
India and parts of Africa. Out of some 10.7 million leprosy patients, 3 million occur in India. The disease does not occur in children separated from patients in their infancy. It is because the disease is contracted on prolonged closer contact through skin lesions, nasal and throat discharges. Incubation period is 2-5 years, The bacterium can enter and damage nerves, skin, lymph nodes, eye, nose, mouth, muscles, spleen, etc. Infection begins with appearance of hypopigmented skin patches with little sensation thickening of peripheral nerves, numbness in some body parts, pain in some others, unexplained fever, finally appearance of ulcers, nodules, lesions, scaly scabs, followed by deformities in fingers, toes and wasting of body parts. Lepromata (singular leproma) are granulomatous cutaneous eruptions of leprosy. Presence of lepromin in skin tests can indicate appearance of leprosy. Surgery along with multidrug treatment (diaminodiphenyl sulphone or dapsone, rifampicin, clofazimine, ofloxacin,
alepol chaulmoogra oil) can cure the disease. However, the disease carries a social stigma.
National Leproey Control Programme (NLCP) is in progress in India. A vaccine has also been developed (Talwar, 1994).

It is a bacterial (rod-shaped Gram +ve Mycobacterium tuberculosis; Koch, 1882) disease where the pathogen destroys the infected tissue and releases toxin called tuberculin (test called Mantoux reaction is tuberculin specific). Tuberculosis is of two types, pulmonary tuberculosis and extra pulmonary-tuberculosis. Pulmonary or lung tuberculosis is more common but other forms (intestinal, bone, skin, meningitis) also occur in appreciable number. Milk is a source of bovine tuberculosis,
Disease is spread by direct contact and droplet method. Incubation period is from a few days to several
months. The symptoms include evening-night fever, night sweating, loss of weight, cough, difficult breathing and haemoptysis (blood in sputum) in case of pulmonary TB while there is acute pain in other cases. Meningitis leads to coma. Sputum, tuberculin, X-ray and gastric analysis are carried out to diagnose disease. Antituberculosis drugs are streptomycin, isoniazid, thiacetazone, PAS (para-amino
salicylic acid), ethambutol, pyrazinamide, kanamycin, rifampin, etc. Treatment takes 8-9 months. It cannot be stopped mid way as the parasite tends to develop resistance to the drugs. Surgery is required for removing infected lump. Vaccination with BCG (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) provides immunity. lt was obtained from bovine bacillus by Calmette and Guerin in 1921. Mycobaeterium uaccae, a soil bacterium, has been found to combat tuberculosis (Stanford et al, 1997).

It is an acute infectious disease caused by Gram(-) anaerobic flagellate bacillus called Salmonella typhi. Typhoid spreads through food, milk and water contaminated with intestinal discharges and urine either directly or through flies and faulty personal hygiene. Some 2.5 million persons suffer from it annually. Certain humans function as carriers without suffering from it. Mary Mallon, popularly called typhoid Mary was one such carrier. She was a cook who continued to spread the diseases for several years through her food preparations
         The pathogenecity of bacterium is due to two antigens, O-antigen of liposaccharide outer membrane and H-antigen present over flagella. After reaching intestine, the bacteria enter intestinal wall and multiply inside macrophages in mesentric lymph nodes. After multiplication, they are released in blood stream to be passed into liver, gall bladder, spleen, bone marrow, lungs, kidneys, etc, for further multiplication. After multiplication the bacteria are released and reach the intestinal wall where they
produce typhoid ulcers. Incubation period is 1-3 weeks. Toxin released by lysed bacteria in blood causes high fever in steps. There is pea soup diarrhoea which may become haemorrhagic. A rose coloured rash may occur on upper abdomen at the end of first week. Untreated typhoid passes through 4 stages, each lasting about a week. Unless treated a member of complications begin to develop in third week including intestinal perforations, anaemia, arthritis, nephritis, bronchitis, meningitis, myocarditis, cholecystisis.
       Lately, resistant typhoid has appeared. Vaccine (oral and injectible alone or along TAB) provides immunity for 1-3 years. Antibiotics are available. They are ampicillin and chloramphenicol. Resistant cases are treated with quinoline derivative (e.g., Ciprofloxacin, Ofloxacin). Treatment should be prolonged as the patient may continue to pass bacteria for weeks even after recovery. Surgical removal of gall bladder (cholecystectomy) is sometimes carried out in order to remove source of infection. Typhoid isdiagnosed by Widal test.
Tetanus/Lock Jaw (Dhanustamba)

It is an incurable bacterial disease (Clostridium tetani) characterised by painful muscular contraction of jaw. The incidence of its occurrence is quite common in India with high mortality in infants and mothers. The bacterium occurs in intestine of horse and other animals from where they pass out as spores (viability 60 yrs) in their excreta that mixes in street dust and contaminates various articles including rusted iron. Wounds and cuts, surgical instruments coming in contact with road dust may cause entry of spores into body. The bacteria are released inside the body. They multiply and begin to secrete a toxin named tetanospasmin. Incubation period is 3-28 days. Injection of ATS within 24 hours of injury gives passive immunity while tetanus toxoid (T.T.) gives active immunity. Children are immunised at the age of 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 4 yrs. 2-3 vaccinations are given during pregnancy. Disease is caused by tetanospasmin reaching the CNS. It begins with headache, chill irritability followed by back pain, stiff neck and spasm of jaw. Ultimately there is lock jaw, spasm of chest, abdomen and spine leading to death due heart failure, suffocation and exhaustion.

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